Need thoughtfully structured courses?Take a peek at some of the processes I employ in order to fulfill learner needs. Research. To support my ID process, I conduct a needs analysis, study learners, read up on relevant and current events, test various learning strategies, build strong networks of SMEs with varying levels of expertise, and develop a research and evaluation plan. Action Maps. Action mapping helps me streamline and simplify the design process by exploring and creating various solutions to a problem. Action mapping also assists me in aligning potential solutions with measurable learning objectives. Storyboarding. A crucial part of my design process is creating a text-based storyboard. This is the heart of my development process as it‘s the piece of the puzzle that depicts the learner’s journey throughout the experience. The storyboard provides clear intent and expectations for the structure of the course. Visual Mockups. Creating visual mockups helps me to focus on the visual aspects of a deliverable. Here I focus on colors, typography, proximity, alignment…you name it! This process brings the visions of my storyboard to life! Prototyping. After project conceptualization, I test the instructional usability and effectiveness through rapid prototyping for the user experience and navigational structure of the user interface before the final draft is complete. UI/UX Design. Strategizing while keeping branding, design, usability, and function in mind to help me provide meaningful and relevant learner experiences. I design interfaces that are simple to use, consistent and purposeful by using common UI/UX elements and design thinking. Multimedia Tools. I produce and incorporate interactive videos, narration, static infographics, animations, and more to improve learning processes, provide content variety and promote knowledge retention. Project Management. I effectively create coherence in projects by efficiently linking all aspects of the projects together. From initiation to closing, I simultaneously plan and control the development, management, implementation, and evaluation of multiple projects.